Crying in disbelief

1My heart is tearing

I’m fearing the facts

How the Big Apple

Was shaken and harmed

Missiles of evil

Her towers attacked

Many were burning

Some jumped to the ground

The ones remaining

Were buried alive

Millions while watching

Not believing cried

Thousands in seconds had died

New York was crying its heart

Her five-sided protector was indeed hurt

By evil missile of woe

While the courageous sunk

The plane in the ground

Not hitting the target

The dead toll was cut

Crying we all

In disbelief

What inhumane humans

Can do

September 11, 2001

September 11 2001 photo

Photo by New York District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Photo by j-dub1980(THANK YOU FOR 100k+ Views) Photo by cliff1066™




The not so homeless