A bus operator


A bus operator

An alarm clock rings and another makes a duet, these are electric while another battery operated one joins them with its clear sound. All of them announced the third hour before day breaks.

Suddenly to get up is the best choice and almost running to not give in to the call of a bed to go back and rest. To take a shower and revive the desire to continue.

To continue a brief breakfast and then to get ready a lunch box and water bottles to drink during the day to be hydrated.

To clean the car windows and then start a journey to reach the work site.

Many drivers that early, ignore the laws of transit, are distracted, sleepy or just maybe thinking that nobody could see them at that early time.

Passing the security point to greet the guard who does not sleep, while everyone wants to do it, or do.

At a window, to report to get an assignment of work and the vehicle to be used during that day for the route.

A pre-trip inspection and then to go for brief repairs. To then pass a security point and go to the designated starting point to start the assigned route.

At the starting point to set the sign suitable for the bus destination.

Interior lights are turned on to assure a pleasant and a safe way to travel.

At the first designated stop, passengers are greeted while they pay their fare and proceed to sit comfortably. One and the next receive a greeting, questions are answered, and a brief conversation is welcomed with a smile.

Most travel at the same time and one passenger becomes known to another. They are traveling companions for sometimes one or two connections or more.

Some have already taken another bus, a train or a combination of both to board the current bus.

All kinds of jobs, often minimum wage or to an office of public assistance or medical care center for their health improvement.

An efficient operator has to become blind as to race and social status or age to give special treatment to each one traveling.

Each of the passengers deserve due respect, a greeting and a response to a question that is important to he or she to be able to continue to their traveling to their destination.

Point A, the point of departure, to point B, point of destination and the operator has in his hands the wellbeing and the life of the passenger in his hands.

Safety is first, for this, all have to adhere to the rules of safety and policy of the transportation's entity. An operator must continue to be human. Every decision is unique for a pleasant and safe trip.

The cost or a fare ensures the subsistence of the transit entity is a form to show respect to the user and maintains unnecessary flow of individuals that only make peace and order vulnerable without need.

Each time a door opens and closes, writes a different line and sometimes a similar one, to the daily story of each day for a passenger and a driver.

The route is the same every day but can be altered by unforeseen events that can arise.

Change of operator, changes the environment due to the human element by the view of how the individual perceives his duty and how much he adheres to the rules that must be followed.

End of the day. It is mandatory to inform the operator that relieves the operation of the vehicle or any outstanding situation that could affect safety.

Offering appropriate respect to users and operator, been nice while leaving the vehicle clean, with a nod of thanks and then continue leaving a good impression behind.

Then to wait for transportation to get to the place of employment to pick up ones own vehicle to return home, one comes to be a passenger who wants to be exemplary to others, to gain the respect of others for another day.

To fill out reports of unusual things, greeting everyone as you go along.

 To exit in an affable manner and then begin to battle traffic in a wise manner to reach home and give comfort to ones own family for the next day, one has to again begin the same routine to work.


Sublime to the end of time


Un operador de autobús