Wanted- No experience necessary

Photo by Byron James Bignell

W A N T ED- Pick your own city


No experience necessary

Must bring own sign (Does not have to be neat)

Luggage not necessary

 (Pick plastic bags at your local store)

May qualify for food stamps and welfare check

Medical care available

Salary- unlimited (tax-free)

Pick your own location (Suggested)

Next to a highway exit, next to a flower vendor

Any shift available- no application needed

Prison vacation- three meals a day; cable

(room and board-guaranteed not to get bored)

Retirement starts- the minute you pick your spot

Suing available for extra money, vices are included

homeless photo

Based on the homeless experience of all the ones filling the position at Golden Glades Interchange

Photo by Byron James Bignell

Photo by Franco Folini


Cloned clowns


Like Columbine and all combined