Trying to be funny

Funny Bulldog by Moyan_Brenn (back soon, sorry for not commenting)

Are you a cosmonaut?

A cosmos, not

Or you meant a cosmos nut


Was your father an alien or a local?

Indeed he was an alien but not a loco

(Loco- a Spanish word for Crazy)

Are you a Russian?

I’m in a rush, but I am not Ann

Where did black juice originated?

Black juice originated with prunes

Some people in my community think that Q comes after 10 and not 11

They always say 10, Q

The reason they have a rusted saw, they explain…              I sink saw

Why do wolfs bark at the moon?

They pray not to chase away the prey

What did the French invent first?

French fries or franchise?

Why kids say they skip school?

To be Kool

People with humor hum more

Best name for a spoiled pit-bull

Brat pit

Best name for eggbeaters

Serious eggs because they never have yokes

Photos by Moyan_Brenn (back soon, sorry for not commenting),


Lo malo le hizo mal

