Going to Key West

key west photo

She was going to Key West

South not west, I gathered best

As we talked

I thought, there is no best

We talked of these and all of the rest

Her eyes, her lips

Our trip and her wits

All now I know it fits

She will travel, she will go

In her mind, I hope to glow

In her homework she will find

What, really relieves the mind

In a bus there was once us

In a bus will find the past

Where, my book will help her look

To the past and peace at last

key west photo

backpack photo

Photo by leoncillo sabino

Photo by State Library and Archives of Florida Photo by cloudzilla Photo by m01229


Unsold Gold


Judet Hasbún Espinal Comenta de “El Niño De Las Manos Grandes Muy Grandes”