

Cyclone, a child of the Sahara Desert

 cried so loud.

His cry was lifted to the easterly winds.


The easterly winds which are Generated

from the differences

between the hot, dry desert in north Africa.


With the cooler, wetter, and forested coastal environment directly south, surrounding

The Gulf of Guinea In west Africa.


This strong area of high-altitude winds

Is Called the African Easterly Jet.


With these inconstant winds,

we experience more hurricanes.

 Dorian, in this manner was formed.


 Being that The African Easterly Jet is so unstable,

Results in undulations in a north-south direction,

 Forming a corresponding

 north to south trough, or wave

moving westward off the West African Coast.


When these waves of air have enough moisture, lift, and instability,

 they readily form clusters of thunderstorms,

sometimes becoming correlated

with a center of air circulation.

This occurred, to allow Dorian to be formed


these areas of disturbed weather move westward across the Atlantic throughout most of the year.


These waves typically form every two to three days

in a region near Cape Verde (west of Africa).


It is the summer to early fall

when conditions can become favorable

 for tropical cyclone development.

 As Dorian did.

The end of august to early September was favorable for Dorian’s development.

Not all hurricanes that form in the Atlantic originate near Cape Verde,

but this has been the case for most of the major hurricanes that have impacted

 the continental United States,

 including Dorian, the monster storm.


Isópodo y la diva viva


Hermosa como una rosa