A bus operator's journal

A bus operator’s journal


miami transit photo

To ensure enough rest is the first chore.

To be alert, to serve with décor.

The alarm clock sounds at three A.M.

to wake up, to be cleaned up

and to prepare drinking water and lunch.

Uniform prepared from the previous day

to be able to nothing forget.

The optimum is to have two cars

in case one fails.

bus stop photo

No public transportation is available

at this time.

With ample time to go to the garage

in case something comes up.

If one is not early is late.

One minute late is too late.

To go to dispatch and to be assigned

to the scheduled bus and route.

A pre-trip safety inspection, to the hot line

for minor repairs, hopefully none.

To deadhead to begin the route

on the designated time point stop.

To leave on time a must.

Too early leaves all,

too late pays the toll.

bus passengers photo

Greet everyone

from the first passenger to the last.

No one has color place or tribe.

Everyone is family no matter what.

 Hosting every one,

the bus is a home,

bus drivers photo

a ship that everyone needs and wants.

One stop at a time, one route at a time,

one passenger at a time, if possible on time

in a safe way all of the time.

Greeting each time, all the time,

being cautious and helpful the way to go.

You have to go one way and return,

again and again.

Why not make a friend?

Friend after friend is the trend.

Enemies; hopefully not.

bus passengers photo

The passengers become a family put at the driver’s care.

Care for their dignity, their life

and entrusted is also the ability

to get to the place where they are able to fulfill their needs

to survive and provide.

bus passengers photo

The more everyone adheres to the rules

the more pleasant the trip will be.

bus passengers photo

There will be times when the peace will be broken,

to defuse the situation will be the goal.

Greet, answer, help the lost and confused,

we have nothing to lose but to gain, again and again.

Gain time, gain friends and gain everyone’s respect.

Year one goes, ten years gone, maybe thirty or more,

but what more is; the more respect.

The more we will expect to reap what we saw.

Next stop please!

fishing photo

A great retirement any time, from now on here.

  Photo by Oran Viriyincy Photo by West Midlands Police Photo by Sarah G... Photo by Seattle Municipal Archives Photo by Tregde Ferie Photo by niiicedave (back from AK USA) Photo by Taras Kalapun


Mirar el cielo


In an accord