A sign for the homeless

 homeless photo

A sign for the homeless

There is a sign for the homeless;

I don’t have a home

I hope; the White House

Is my next

Let the;

Washington$, Lincoln$

March my way


No change for

Grant $ or Franklin $

Have you been chosen to quench my thirst?

Only for one $

My next food $

Will come from your kindness

You can see my $5 sign

No-one can see my sign

Of thirst and hunger

I gave up

Having a home

I’m almost giving up hope

For my next meal

If you see me tomorrow

I’m still homeless

If you don’t, I starved

No-one gave

If I starve, I won’t be here tomorrow

I’ll be feeding the worms

I’m not asking for a handout

I’m asking for the goodness

Of your heart

I’m done asking

Please! Start giving

There is more happiness in giving


It’s my mission today

Why lie

If you can spare

Spare, a little

The last time I thanked

It’s the last time someone gave

I did also in between and now

This sign is not a joke

May the next Washington$

Come from you

I don’t need to be emancipated

By a Lincoln

Please send a Washington my way

I won’t ask

You will give

Out of the goodness of your heart

My job is to move your heart

Your kindness

Will take me far

If no-one gives now

Please call 911 later

I don’t have a mental

Or physical problem

I only have a monetary set back

How much do I make an hour?

Only as much as you are willing to help

You wouldn’t do my job for the world

I’d give the world for your job

I work under unsafe conditions

I dream under a bridge

My visions

The other fellow

Sells the flowers


I don’t have experience


I used to pay for the sunshine

Now I get it free

All day long

Quite easy to say

Get a job!

Did you find one yet?

I qualify for food

Save the stamps for your next letter

Please don’t look aside

Please provide

Look out for the homeless

One might drop suddenly


Please forgive

You won’t be deceived

The world turns

Please give

It’s my turn

I don’t support unemployment

I was forced to join the ranks

 homeless photo

Photo by Bengin Ahmad Photo by Richard Masoner / Cyclelicious Photo by elizaIO


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