A Bus Operator

Nutritious food, water and plenty of rest

A bus operator

Never leaves for later

Presses the accelerator

And goes off to work


Has a watch that he can watch

Minutes, seconds on the go

If he is not early, he is late

He cannot hesitate

Sets the moon to go to bed

Wakes the sun at dawn

A pre-trip inspection

It is protection for us all

Deadheading to point A

To take you safely to point B

He stops, lets you in and greets

To greet back and pay the fare, it is only fair

In comfort, everyone goes

To work, to school, to shop or to get care, everywhere

The bus is clean and in well repair

So quick and safe you are there

The terminal to go so far

You do not need a car

So many buses to connect

To get, where you want to get

The operator say goodbye

He goes to where he started, from

Taking so, many back and back to start again

And take some more to school and work

Back to the terminal

The bus operator says goodbye

Another says hello

To take you home, sweet home




The kindest man